What are the most effective security techniques for e-commerce enterprises to use?
E-commerce is the purchasing and selling of goods and services, as well as the transmission of payments and data, through an electronic network, most commonly the internet. Procurement, order entry, transaction processing, online payment, authentication, inventory control, order fulfillment, shipment, and customer service are all included. A buyer engages in e-commerce when they make a purchase using a bank card swiped through a magnetic-stripe scanner. E-commerce security refers to the rules that provide secure online transactions. It contains standards that protect persons who sell and buy goods and services on the internet. Cart2india Online Retail Private Limited implements e-commerce security basics to earn their clients' trust. The e-commerce security basics are Privacy, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. Privacy: Privacy includes preventing any activity that leads to the sharing of customers' data with unauthorized third parties. No one else ...